Sunday, May 29, 2016


CHILD PROTECTION INQUIRY LAUNCHED FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 16 May 2016 An Upper House Committee has established an inquiry into child protection. ‘There is no question that a first order responsibility of government is to ensure that the most vulnerable in society, particularly children and young people, are protected and cared for,’ said Hon Greg Donnelly MLC, Chair of General Purpose Standing Committee No. 2. ‘The aim of the inquiry is to strengthen the protection of the most vulnerable children in our community, those at risk of harm and in out of home care.’ ‘While the current system is doing its best to protect children and young people, there is always room for improvement. Our committee intends to make a positive contribution by shining a light on areas needing attention and exploring how we can address those issues. Particular attention will be given to looking at the procedures, practices and systems that operate in the area of child protection.’ The inquiry will look at the role of the Department of Family and Community Services (FACS) and non-government organisations in protecting children and young people at risk of harm. Key issues include:  adequacy of funding to employ specialist caseworkers and other frontline personnel, as well as funding for prevention and early intervention  efficacy of the tools used to assess risk of harm reports  training and monitoring of foster carers  oversight by the Office of the Children’s Guardian  initiatives to protect indigenous children and young people. Submissions from individuals and organisations are invited by Sunday, 3 July 2016. The committee intends to hold public hearings from August/September this year. More information about the inquiry, including the terms of reference, can be found on our website: For further information please contact the Committee Chair,

#‎OpExposeCPS‬ ‪#‎OpVaxTruth‬ Don't just say no to mandatory vaccinations, say HELL NO! -A-sh F@wke5 ‪#‎SteveGrant‬ - Dr. Death: Why Vaccines Spread Disease -…/why-vaccines-spread-disease-flawed-… Scientists Prove Those Vaccinated For Shingles Can Infect Others With Chicken Pox -…/scientists-prove-those-vaccinated-f…? Studies Show Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease -…/Studies-Show-that-Vaccinated-Ind… The Amish Don't Get Autism Because They Don't Vaccinate - Source *translated from Hindi* -


Huey P. Newton Interview From Jail
History of the Black Panther Party: Huey Newton and the Price of Black Power in America (1994) VIDEO HERE--->
Huey Percy Newton (February 17, 1942 -- August 22, 1989) was an African-American political and urban activist who, along with Bobby Seale, co-founded the Black Panther Party in 1966. Newton had a long series of confrontations with law enforcement, including several convictions, while he participated in political activism. He continued to pursue an education, eventually earning a Ph.D. in Social Science. Newton spent time in prison for manslaughter and was involved in a shooting that killed a police officer. In 1989 he was shot and killed in Oakland, California by a member of the Black Guerilla Family.
There are many references to Huey Newton in popular music, including in the songs "Changes" by Tupac Shakur,[44] "Welcome to the Terrordome" by Public Enemy, "Queens Get the Money" by Nas, "Sunny Kim" by Andre Nickatina, "Just A Celebrity" by The Jacka, "Same Thing" by Flobots, "Dreams", "Gangbangin' 101", "Murder" and "911 Is A Joke (Cop Killa)" by The Game, "You Can't Murder Me" by Papoose, "Police State" by Dead Prez, "Propaganda" by Dead Prez "We Want Freedom" by Dead Prez, "Malcolm, Garvey, Huey" by Dead Prez, "SLR" by Lupe Fiasco, "Bill Gates Freestyle" by Fabolous, "Wake Up" by Black the Ripper, "The Martyr" by Immortal Technique, "Lick Shots" by Immortal Technique, "Huey Newton" by Wiz Khalifa & Currensy, "HiiiPoWeR" by Kendrick Lamar, "My Favorite Mutiny" by The Coup, "National Anthem" by Sir Mix-a-Lot, "Bobby Seale" by Lil Tweezii, "Dream Team" by Spearhead, From Here To Utopia [Ramshackle Glory], "Free Huey" by The Boo Radleys, "Free Lance" by HD of Bearfaced, "When Will They Shoot?" by Ice Cube, "Pacific Heights" by Pep Love, "No Time for Love" (aka "If They Come in the Morning") by Jack Warshaw, "Million Man March" by Lowkey, "Huey Newton" by St. Vincent, Married With Children episode Rites of Passage in which "Marcy" tells what was happening when she turned 18.
In the comic strip and cartoon show The Boondocks, the main character Huey Freeman, a ten-year-old African-American revolutionary, is named after Newton; another reference comes when Freeman starts an independent newspaper, dubbing it the Free Huey World Report.[45] In 1996, A Huey P. Newton Story was performed on stage by veteran actor Roger Guenveur Smith. The one-man play later was made into an award-winning 2001 film directed by Spike Lee.
The Black Panther Party or BPP (originally the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense) was a black revolutionary socialist organization active in the United States from 1966 until 1982. The Black Panther Party achieved national and international notoriety through its involvement in the Black Power movement and U.S. politics of the 1960s and 1970s.
Founded in Oakland, California by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale on October 15, 1966, the organization initially set forth a doctrine calling primarily for the protection of black neighborhoods from police brutality. The leaders of the organization espoused socialist and Marxist doctrines; however, the Party's early black nationalist reputation attracted a diverse membership. The Black Panther Party's objectives and philosophy expanded and evolved rapidly during the party's existence, making ideological consensus within the party difficult to achieve, and causing some prominent members to openly disagree with the views of the leaders.
The organization's official newspaper, The Black Panther, was first circulated in 1967. Also that year, the Black Panther Party marched on the California State Capitol in Sacramento in protest of a selective ban on weapons. By 1968, the party had expanded into many cities throughout the United States, among them, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Newark, New Orleans, New York City, Omaha, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington, D.C.. Peak membership was near 10,000 by 1969, and their newspaper, under the editorial leadership of Eldridge Cleaver, had a circulation of 250,000. The group created a Ten-Point Program, a document that called for "Land, Bread, Housing, Education, Clothing, Justice and Peace", as well as exemption from conscription for black men, among other demands. With the Ten-Point program, "What We Want, What We Believe", the Black Panther Party expressed its economic and political grievances.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

#OpExposeCPS #Australia #Aboriginal #StolenGenerations #NahkoBear The Australian Government has officially apologized for forced adoption of native children multiple times, ( yet they still continue to affect children of all races.The Stolen Generations: The removal of Aboriginal children in New South Wales 188... See More — at Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare.

What are the Stolen Generations?…
"The Stolen Generations (also known as Stolen Children) were the mixed-race children of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent who were removed from their families by the Australian Federal and State government agencies and church missions, under acts of their respective parliaments. The removals of those referred to as "half-caste" children were conducted in the period between approximately 1905 and 1969. Although in some places mixed-race children were still being taken into the 1970s. Documentary evidence, such as newspaper articles and reports to parliamentary committees, suggest a range of rationales. Motivations evident include child protection, beliefs that given the Aboriginal people would die out, given their catastrophic population decline after white contact, and the belief that full-blooded Aboriginal people resented miscegenation and the mixed-race children fathered and abandoned by white men.
The white stolen generations are so-called to distinguish them from the indigenous stolen generations. It is estimated that around 250,000 Australian born non-Indigenous children were removed from their mothers from the 1930s to 1982 in what was widely seen by society as a whole at the time as a positive thing for both the mothers and the children. The mothers were sometimes drugged, tied to beds or told their babies had died. Many hospitals engaged in what is now known as institutionalized baby farming, whereby those children deemed "inferior" were taken and adopted into the middle class."
Wash It Away by Nahko and Medicine for the People

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Has the Australian Government destroyed your family? Now is the time to have your voice heard.. I am looking for any form of help to run this protest. please inbox me ‪#‎opexposecps‬ ‪#‎lukesarmy‬ ‪#‎bringmychildrenhome‬



Greetings citizens of the world. We are Anonymous. On March 26th 2010 the United States and the world lost a brave warrior who fought for the rights of parents, children, and families everywhere. This warrior was the late Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer who was murdered along with her husband. Their death was ruled a murder/suicide as were so many others that dared stand against corruption in high places. Nancy had received death threats prior to the murder for her relentless investigation into the child welfare system of the United States. She exposed this broken system for what it is and in 2007 authored an official Government report called "The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services", which can be found here:

The Report On PDF Here:

And Here:

In this report she outlined several individual cases of pedophilia in the Georgia foster care system that were allowed to continue due to negligence or involvement on the part of Georgia Division of Family and Children's Services. Not only was she uncovering horrible examples of negligence on behalf of the system, she also found direct links to high level pedophilia rings in Georgia, that were trafficking children to other states and even other countries. Just as Nancy was thorough with her investigation into CPS cases of fellow Georgians, she was also thorough in her documentation of these high level crimes. Nancy had video documentation of these crimes and a list of high level officials involved, which she planned to expose on a personal name basis in a documentary she was working on with two other gentlemen. It was for this that she was murdered and all evidence confiscated. Operation Expose CPS has attempted to track down this video footage and was surprised to discover that the film's producer had gone so far as to release an entirely new documentary that managed to draw attention from the real missing documentary footage.

They were hoping that the public had forgotten about that footage.

We didn't.

While the evidence in this documentary (which can be found here: is damning by itself, the real documentary footage would be the scandal of the century if ever uncovered. The evidence she was murdered for uncovering was almost exactly the same model as the Franklin Cover-up, with high level officials trafficking children (mostly young boys) through a network of pedophiles in politics. The banned Discovery Channel documentary, about the Franklin Cover-up, Conspiracy of Silence can be viewed here:

And John W. DeCamp's book The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse Murder and Satanism in Nebraska can be found here on PDF:

Using data from, AFCARS, U.S. Children's Bureau, and Administration For Children, Youth, and Families we found that around 0.35 people per 100k are killed by cops per year in the United States But 68 foster kids per 100k die from abuse in foster care per year.

This means you are 201 times more likely to die in foster care than be killed by a law enforcement officer. Where are the protests? Where is the outage? These are our children and the very future of humanity, if we do not stand for them, we stand for nothing. On March 26th we intend to show the Governments of the world that we will not allow this kind Government child abuse to go on unopposed by the masses of society. We will rise in solidarity against this injustice.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! When dealing with CPS

Cps trying to search my home unlawfully. we beat them in court...

CPS threatens to cut off all visits with my child if I talk about the fe...

CPS Steels Children for Profiteal - Your Tax Dollars in Action!

CPS False Allegations, Altered Files Confirmed - OIG, News32 Investigati...

CPS Corruption - Our Story

Federally Funded Gov. Kidnaper - Laurie Lee, CPS coward. caught on video

Child Protective Services CPS Abuse Constitution Invading Homes Kidnappi...

"They kidnapped my Daughters": CPS, FAMILY COURTS selling my children fo...

Taken: pictures of children abducted from their families by CPS.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Fighting for kids rights Australia help bring those children home from the wrong doing of the department of human services child protection

fighting for kids rights Australia
Fathers and mothers fighting for their kids rights Australia

This page is about helping mothers and fathers fighting DHS to have their children home. Please help save our children from the mental and physical abuse

The funds are for Reg tax office as a non probable organisation, cost set it up 
Computer, rent of the first office in Melbourne phone lines 24 hrs call for advice ,support ,basic thing computer stationary advertising, the rest ,basic ,will be going into a trust. The rest of the money will be for Lawer in owe class action on dhs doc cps family courts children courts we are fighting with anonymous to expose the corruption in the system to get it into a crown inquiries throw the hole of Australia wide.

The donation will go to trust to be used for family and owe children supports in Australia 

the fight to expose the corruption in the family courts and to expose the corruption in dhs cps doc
to help other family and children in Australia
We are working with anonymous to expose the truth...

NSW politicians-govt stole 4 of Sara's children, & then threatened her with 2 years prison, or $22,000 fine, for simply teaching the public on social media regarding the govts child stealing crimes against her parental and family rights (1 min video). Voters, please vote out corrupt politicians, & vote in politicians who will help parents & families have their stolen children returned. Vote 1, Teresa van Lieshout, NSW Senate Vote 2, Colin Bennett, NSW Senate
please click on link above to find the story