Monday, June 25, 2018

Well hi all this system is finaly starting to work it self out but in the process this has been a long hard road that all parents who have been caught up in as there child has been harmed and scard in one way or another with the twisted ways that has come about the key is never give up on what the truth is as the circut as most dont no is a place of horror its a place of uncertity its a place that can ivar get you or you get it it can take lives as in parents lifes and children as well there some workers out there who have held there heads up high and are working to change the system as this cat is putting his cap down as my fight is done as please dont give up as justice can be done but in time


  1. They are child thieving skum of the earth

  2. DOCS are wrecking more kids lives then they they are fixing
