Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Get behind this cat and exspose the corrupt system please share my site and bring this currupt government department to its knees we need to share this site hard cheers all


  1. DOCS stole my children September 2015. My two girls and 6 week old baby boy were removed from my care without an order from the court, separated and placed in three different homes. All without having custody grant to the Chief Executive. Illegally kidnapped and kept for 7 days before the state gained custody. I have ticked all the boxes but am ignored, am allowed little contact of 2 hours on weekdays but that is a recent shift following a 6 month period where I had only seen my children on 4 occasions. DOCS have recently applied for another 12 month order and I won't get my kids back until such time as the father of one of my children gains full custody of that child in the federal circuit court. DOCS will continue to lie to have the proceedings and cpo's in the children's court ongoing. The father seeking full custody in the FCC, mother is employed by DOCS and this is the second time that witch has abused her position for personal gain and stolen my kids without any court orders or custody. Unfortunately her position is GOD and once the illegal act of kidnapping is done and on the record to which extreme my cases in the duplication of courts is presently at, the closer I ever get to shedding any light is only the deeper and higher level for corruption the government goes to cover it all up.

  2. They are very good at lying and degrading a good parent as with there so called syke test that are done by crappy sike tester with crappy pen and paper who know nothing about a person as very degrading to have this done l hope you all the best in the future l ask that you share the hell out of this site as we need to be heard cheers from sirslackcat

  3. That is terrible, what is the world coming to, it is like the Aboriginal saga again
