Monday, July 24, 2017

The “man” accused of killing toddler Mason Lee, Ryan Hodson is back behind bars after breaching his bail multiple times by contacting witnesses SHARE IF YOU THINK ACCUSED CHILD KILLERS SHOULD NEVER GET BAIL ! When Ryan Hodson was given bail we at FACAA said he should not have been released, we said anyone who was accused of murdering a toddler should never be set free unless they are acquitted. People commented that we were too harsh and "what about innocent until proven guilty" . Well yeah we believe in that too but there are some crimes (particularly those offending against children) that are so vile their accused perpetrators simply must not be let out ! Well in this case Ryan Hodson didn't wait too long until he proved us 100% correct. 21 days to be precise, We said he was remorseless, we said he would breach his parole and boy did he ! They have him on at least 5 counts of him contacting witnesses to the crime, why would you contact a witness in your trial unless it was to pervert the course of justice, is there another reason ? His release by Justice Debra Mullins three weeks ago prompted the Queensland Homicide Victims Support Group to write to the State Government “to seek changes in the rules and regulations around bail” – in particular expressing concern about the number of times offenders could apply for bail. Hodson was charged with manslaughter, along with Mason’s mother Anne Maree Lee and her partner William Andrew O’Sullivan, after the 22-month-old died from severe injuries in Caboolture, north of Brisbane, in June last year. The teen was initially granted Supreme Court bail last August but was put back behind bars this year for multiple breaches of bail, leading him to make another bid for freedom. New allegations emerged at last month’s court hearing that Hodson may have been there when the critical blow was inflicted to the toddler. In opposing bail three weeks ago, Crown Prosecutor Vicki Loury told the Brisbane Supreme Court that Hodson continued to reoffend and bail conditions were not enough. Vicky Loury had it right ! She deserves an apology from Hodson's legal team at least ! Justice Debra Mullins said Hodson had “some difficulty” in complying with bail conditions. “But no doubt the experience of 95 days in custody since his Supreme Court bail was revoked … as well as a better understanding of going through experiences of what happens when you (don’t) comply with terms of bail, will act as incentive for Mr Hodson to comply with the bail order,” she said at the time. She also said the fact Hodson would be under the supervision of the probation and parole office while on bail was “a relevant consideration”. She granted his release on a string of conditions, after ruling he had shown cause why he should be granted bail. Hodson was remanded in custody yesterday and the matter adjourned. Ryan Hodson and all those associated with this shocking crime DO NOT DESERVE TO BE RELEASED ! No one has any remorse for this crime, no one is taking responsibility everyone is trying to blame everyone else like a bunch of children facing the school principal ! Those accused of the rape or murder of children should not be given bail ! They should remain behind bars and if found guilty multiple times they should have their file marked NEVER TO BE RELEASED ! Ryan Hodson should not have been let out in the first place, take a stand share the poster to show you do not want to see those accused of killing children set free on bail ! (A)

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