Sunday, March 20, 2016

Dohs should be ashamed of there system as they dont protect they have a system that was bought out by the whitlem goverment and does not come under the Australian standards so if you are a female you okay as you can play there system there favours just the female in court you as a female can abuse the judge make threats you can threaten to burn a place down were your little one is staying in and the mother can even threaten the the father of the child that she is going to kill him in a court foyer the mother can neglect a child and admit it in court and walk away scot free this system realy sucks as the father is pushed out of a childs life because of the lyes and bushit that dohs make up about the fathers but the mothers says l am the mother the father going threw court system fighting for there child just dont have the same rites as a mother this is hapening all threw the court system threw out our great land were all fathers are tard with the same brush no matter what race you are the court system is run by dohs and they make all the rulings how many children have been killed in there foster care program how many children get killed from there neglection of the truth as a female can never do wrong in the eyes of dohs not to mention that they employ corrupt worker rude workers and lying workers who print utter gabage abourt good fathers as have of these worker they employ dont have a child them self but do not understand what the real life is when you have a child they form there opiniun of a person out of text book these text books and the programs as l wrote early in this paragraph are writen for the usa standards not the ausy standards we live in the 2000 now not 1974 there standards are in the seventys these programs are crap they are not for the courts in this country the dohs are corrupt they are old fashion in all ways they need to wake up as there system is failing the child and the good parents who care about there child the system is rubbish the system is a killer for children and parents a like the system has taken so many males and children in the last 20 years we are hearing more about the blunders of dohs more and more they get payed for holding your child in there foster care program they are even trying to deploy these new laws if you dont get your act together in twelve months they take your child and leave them with foster care parents these carers dont have background checks they dont even have drug test this is a bloody horrifying story but is true that dohs are doing this is even the child protection workers dont have these random drug test as they work around children they cover all this up if a good parent picks up on this and corrupt worker he or she is a subject to false psychological tests and iq test to degrade a person who has spoken up they take the child from a lovely home and place the child in with the dogs were the child is neglected and beaten and find the child now has problems with headachs and not feeling the best dohs you have a lot to answer to in reguards to a child well being in the system you have your system is crap and needs to be revamped the solicitors you employ are liars and need to be revamped as they are as dangerouse as your protective workers who are not worth a pinch of cows doo in a paddock with flys flying around it dohs get your act together this is not the seventys we live in stop protecting and making exscuses for the mother give the fathers the rite with there children as father can look after a child far better than most women out there cheers all enjoy my site and dont forget to share your thoughts on my site after all have your say dont be afraid as we need to get this out in the open

After all dads can do it just as well as mum if not better 

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